After Chile, What? Second-Round Social Security Reforms in Latin America
The apparent success of Chile's pension reform catalyzed a number of subsequent reforms in sister Latin American nations, and the "Chilean model" has now captivated the attention of polin'makers and researchers in the GECD as well. In this paper we identify six critical elements of old-age pension reform, and examine how these six elements differ across the Chilean reform, and several other Latin nations that followed in Chile's footsteps. We emphasize how these other Latin American nations adopted different mechanisms to restructure their old-pension systems, and we highlight available evidence on system performance in each case.
How to Cite
Mitchell, O. S., & Ataliba Barreto, F. (1). After Chile, What? Second-Round Social Security Reforms in Latin America. Economic Analysis Review, 12(2), 3-36. Retrieved from
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