Canastas Básicas en la Atención de Salud

  • Cristián Aedo I. ILADES/Georgetown University
  • Arístides Torche L. Institulo de Economia. Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile


The present article has the following objectives: firstly, to present the major benefits of the basic baskets in order to understand prioritization, in the area of an obligatory insurance, and affirm the difficulty in implementing these types of initiatives. Secondly, to show that the approval and implementation of a basic basket fundamentally depends on the active participation of the affected, and thus, the capacity of the government to transform them into supporters of the project. Thirdly, point out that the principles on which the prioritization mechanism is based and the objectives proposed for the basket both make up significant factors in achieving this support.
How to Cite
Aedo I., C., & Torche L., A. (2010). Canastas Básicas en la Atención de Salud. Economic Analysis Review, 11(2), 61-86. Retrieved from

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