El Sistema Financiero Venezolano. ¿Que Compromete Su Desempeño?

  • Ana Maria A. Chirinos L Banco Central de Venezuela
  • Carolina Pagliacci Banco Central de Venezuela
Keywords: Dynamic factor model, macroeconomic shocks, sign restrictions, financial risk.


The objective of this paper is to empirically test the deleveraging of the Venezuelan financial system at the event of two contractive shocks, a monetary and an oil shock, and to characterize the types of risks that arise in each case. Although these shocks have similar effects on interest rates and deposits, the adverse consequences and implicit risks for the oil shock are greater, due to its shrivelling effect on real activity and public finances.
How to Cite
A. Chirinos L, A. M., & Pagliacci, C. (2014). El Sistema Financiero Venezolano. ¿Que Compromete Su Desempeño?. Economic Analysis Review, 29(2), 47-74. Retrieved from https://www.rae-ear.org/index.php/rae/article/view/412