Intergenerational Social Mobility in Latin America: A Review of Existing Evidence
Intergenerational social mobility, Latin America, inequality, social exclusion, education.
This article reviews evidence on intergenerational social mobility in Latin America. Results indicate that mobility is low in the region, even when compared with the United States and United Kingdom, which rank low on social mobility. The evidence also suggests high levels of immobility at the income distribution’s lower and upper tails. While intergenerational education mobility have improved in recent decades, which may increase income mobility for younger cohorts, overall the region still presents lower intergenerational social mobility. Previous studies suggest that these results might be associated to social exclusion, low access to higher education, and labor market discrimination.
How to Cite
Azevedo, V. M. R., & Bouillon, C. P. (2011). Intergenerational Social Mobility in Latin America: A Review of Existing Evidence. Economic Analysis Review, 25(2), 7-42. Retrieved from
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