Diferenciales Salariales en Colombia: Un Análisis para Trabajadores Rurales y Jóvenes, 2002-2009

  • Catalina Franco Dirección de Estudios Económicos, Departamento Nacional de Planeación
  • Johanna Ramos
Keywords: Earnings differentials, time series, matching, Colombia.


This paper examines the trends and magnitude of earnings differentials among urban and rural workers, and young (18-24 years) and old (25-65 years) workers from 2002 to 2009 in Colombia. Using household surveys data and constructing cells for comparing only workers with the same characteristics, the results from time series and matching decomposition methodologies show that earnings in the groups of interest have not diverged over time. However, the earnings differentials are high at around –50 percent for rural and –40 percent for young workers, of which 14 and 19 percentage points, respectively, remain unexplained after controlling for demographic and job-related characteristics.

Author Biographies

Catalina Franco, Dirección de Estudios Económicos, Departamento Nacional de Planeación

Dirección de Estudios Económicos, Departamento Nacional de Planeación

Johanna Ramos

Dirección de Estudios Económicos, Departamento Nacional de Planeación

How to Cite
Franco, C., & Ramos, J. (1). Diferenciales Salariales en Colombia: Un Análisis para Trabajadores Rurales y Jóvenes, 2002-2009. Economic Analysis Review, 25(2), 91-131. Retrieved from https://www.rae-ear.org/index.php/rae/article/view/art25-4