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Kiguel, Miguel A., The World Bank
Kirkpatrick, Ian, University of Leeds
Klein, Michael, Shell International
Kotlikoff, Laurence, Boston University. The National Bureau of Economic Research
Kristjanpoller Rodriguez, Werner, Departamento de Industrias, Economía y Negocios, Av. España 1680, Valparaíso, Chile. Teléfono: (56 32) 2654571, Fax: (56 32) 2654815. E-mail: [email protected]
Krugman, Paul, Dept. of Economics, MIT
Kyle, Steve C., Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University


Labán, Raúl, Corporacion de Investigaciones Económicas para Latinoamerica, CIEPLAN
Lamdany, Rubén, Debt Management and Financial Advisory Services. The World Bank
Lanchimba, Cintya, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Université de Lyon
Lanchimba, Cintya, Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Ecuador (Ecuador)
Larrañaga, Osvaldo, ILADES/Georgetown University
Larrañaga, Osvaldo, Programa de Postgrado en Economia, ILADES/Georgetown University. Departamento de Economia, Universidad de Concepción (Chile)
Larrañaga, Osvaldo
Larragaña, Osvaldo, Programa ds Posgrado en Economia. ILADES/Georgetown University
Larragaña, Osvaldo, Programa de Posgrado on Economia. ILADES/Georgetown University
López, Eduardo, Banco Central de Chile
López, Ramón, University of Maryland
López, Ramón, Country Economics Department, The World Bank and Department of Economics, University of Maryland
López-de-Silanes, Florencio, Harvard University and NBER
Le Fort, Guillermo R., International Monetary Fund
Leiderman, Leonardo, Tel-Aviv University
Lejárraga García, Ana, Universidad de Valencia
Lemus, Antonio, Deloitte
Lemus, Antonio, "Comisión para el Mercado Financiero" y "EconomiX CNRS Université Paris Nanterre" (Chile)

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